
About Bass Boats SA

Bass Boats SA is proud to announce our new interactive website. It has been redesigned to be an informative site that will give you as much information possible about any, and every bass boat found in South Africa.

Our aim is constantly provide you with updated information pertaining to all bass boats and affiliated products, also to share our knowledge of each boat produced within our borders. This will give every bass boat buyer or seller the correct portal to interact with .

We will also add our boat tests onto this site for an in depth insight, into bass boat set ups, and all the variables to consider when tring to get the optimum speed out of your rig. We will also strive to answer every question or query you may have on our live chat!

Selling boats for over 20 years.

Originally started as “Boat Centre” Your online boating solution, as many will remember have been selling boats online for more than 25 years. We have an extensive knowledge and history of every bass boat ever built in South Africa. We have recently decided to concentrate on our passion selling only bass boats, hence our revived website designed for the beginner to the professional bass angler.

We will continue selling and exposing bass boats to local and international markets, suppling your every equipment and accessory needs.

We still work with our original 10% commission of the final selling price, for those wanting to use our services. All commission is negotiated with the seller prior to sale. Our services also include finance to buyers for both new and used boats, datadot and police clearance for exports, we arrange boat tests and diagnostic reports for the buyers peace of mind. Most importantly give a full history of the boat you are wanting to purchase where possible.

For the sellers we have a database of buyer looking for specific rigs with a specific budget, so your boat sale will be exposed firstly to those buyers, we then market and promote your boat onto our FB page, other groups and social media links to optimise your advert.

Contact us for details to promote your boat.